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EndNote Desktop: Advanced

Searching your EndNote library

EndNote Desktop search bar.

  1. In the Groups pane, make sure you are clicked on All References, otherwise you will not be searching the entire library.
  2. In the Library and CWYW toolbar, click on Advanced Search (Ctrl + F).
  3. In the first drop-down list, select fields you wish to search for.
  4. In the next drop-down list, the comparison list, select an operator.
  5. Type keywords you wish to search for.
  6. Complete the other search fields as required.
  7. Click Search.

EndNote Desktop advanced search fields.

Asterisk (*) Wildcard

  • Use the asterisk ( * ) wildcard to broaden your search results. The asterisk represents any group of characters.

  • No words are automatically excluded from the search so th* finds the word "the".
  • Both right- and left-hand truncation is allowed. For example, in an Author search, *llen finds Allen (as a last name) and Ellen (as a first name).
  • Phrase searching is allowed. For example, global warm* will find the phrase global warming.

Search PDF attachments

You can search PDF files attached to your references by selecting one of the search options including ‘PDF’ from the field list.

EndNote Desktop pdf search options.

Previewing references

You can use Print Preview to check how an output style will look:

  1. At the bottom of the Summary pane, click the drop-down arrow in the Bibliographic Output Style menu.

    EndNote Desktop style drop-down menu.

  2. Click to select an output style from the list.

  3. Select all the references in your search results.

    • If you did not want to preview all the references, you could select non-adjacent references using the Ctrl key.

  4. From the File menu, select Print Preview.

  5. Click Close.

Exporting references

You can export references if you wish to transfer them to another application like Word or Excel or create a backup in another file format.

You can export references from EndNote in the following formats:

  • Text File for Excel and database programs.
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) for word processors, including Microsoft Word.
  • HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) for a web page.
  • XML is a proprietary EndNote XML format.
  1. Select the references you wish to export. If  you want to export all your references, clear the check box labelled Export Selected References.
  2. From the File menu, select Export, or select Export references to another file or library
  3. Browse for the location where you want your file of exported references to be saved.
  4. In the File name box, type a name for your file of exported references.
  5. In the box labelled Save as Type, click the drop-down arrow to select the type of file to be exported. For example, choose HTML.
  6. In the box labelled Output style, click the drop-down arrow to select a bibliographic style. For example, choose the Author-Date style. Note that the Output style set here will override any Output style that was set in the Bibliographic Output Style box on the Summary tab.
  7. Click Save.

EndNote Desktop export window.

Working with term lists

For authors, journals and keywords, indexes run in the background of EndNote to enable autofill in these fields.

You can view and manage these lists by going to the Library menu and selecting Define Term Lists.

To view a list of terms, select the Terms tab.

To edit or delete terms, select Edit Term or Delete Term.

EndNote Desktop keywords term list.

Import your own list of keywords

  1. Create the list in Word and save as a plain text document.
  2. From the Library menu Open Term Lists then select the Keywords Term List,
  3. Select Keywords and Import List.

EndNote Desktop lists tab.

Creating a Smart Group from a search

Clicking a smart group runs the search you set up when you created the group.

EndNote Desktop search options.

EndNote Desktop converted search.

  1. Run your search.
  2. Click Search options.
  3. Select Convert to Smart Group.
  4. Your search is listed in the Groups pane as a Converted Search.
  5. Right click over the Converted Search to rename it.
  6. Press Enter.

Edit a smart group search strategy

  1. Right click on the smart group in the Groups pane.

  2. Select Edit Group.
  3. The Smart Group search box will display.
  4. Modify the search and click Save.

Copying references to a document

This is not the method for creating a bibliography in a document, rather it enables you to paste a stand-alone list of references, for example, as a reading list.

EndNote Desktop select style drop-down menu.

  1. At the bottom of the Summary pane, click the drop-down arrow in the Bibliographic Output Style menu.

  2. Click to select an output style from the list. For example, choose the Harvard Bath style.

  3. Select all the references in your search results.

  4. From the References menu, select Copy Formatted Reference (Ctrl + K).

  5. Open a new document and paste the formatted references into Word.

Checking for duplicate references

  1. In the Groups pane, make sure that you are clicked on All References, otherwise you will not be searching the entire library for duplicates.

  2. From the Library menu, select Find Duplicates. 

  3. EndNote displays pairs of duplicate references in the Find Duplicates dialog box.

  4. Compare these records and select the record to keep. Before making a selection, check the record numbers to be sure you are not deleting a reference you have already cited in a paper.

  5. The record not selected will be moved to the trash.

  6. Select Skip to move to the next pair of duplicates.

EndNote Desktop find duplicates window.

Find Duplicates compares specific fields in each reference. To change these go to the Edit menu, select Preferences and then click Duplicates.

You are recommended to run Find Duplicates more than once with different fields selected, to pick up duplicates that a previous search may have missed.

EndNote Desktop duplicates preferences.

Importing a list of journals

You can import a comprehensive list of journals for selected disciplines, including standard abbreviations for journal titles.

EndNote Desktop term lists window.

  1. In the Library menu select Define Term Lists (Ctrl + 4).

  2. Select  Journals.

  3. Click Import List.

  4. Browse for the list you wish to import.

  5. Click Open.

  6. Click OK.