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Research Analytics: Scopus author profile

How to use publishing and citation data to evidence your strengths, develop your publishing strategy and make connections

About Scopus author profile

Scopus author profile is an online profile assigned to individual authors by Scopus. The profile includes a list of publications, along with citation metrics, affiliations, research interests, and other information. 

A Scopus author profile is associated with a unique Scopus Author ID, which is a numerical identifier assigned to each author. The Scopus Author ID helps to differentiate authors with similar names and ensure accurate attribution of publications.

Tutorial: how to make corrections to your author profile?

The below video guide shows how to merge multiple Scopus IDs, update and correct your name and affiliation, and add any missing documents.

If your Scopus profile is missing documents!

To add missing documents to your Scopus profile, click on "Edit profile", then when prompted "Yes, this is my profile" and continue. Expand the list of documents, and at the bottom you will see a box saying "Are any documents missing? Search for missing documents on Scopus". Click the link. Search for your document, and if it is on the list, add it. Similarly, if there are documents that need to be removed, you can delete them on this page.

If the document you wish to add cannot be found, it could be that the publishers are not indexed by Scopus. To see if the document falls under the Scopus coverage guide, please check here.

If you are unsure or have other queries, contact Elsevier using this link.

What is the difference between Scopus Author ID and ORCID iD?

  1. Scopus Author ID is assigned automatically by Scopus based on the author's publication history, while ORCID iD is created by the researcher themselves.
  2. Scopus Author ID is specific to the Scopus database, while ORCID iD is a universal identifier that can be used across different platforms and databases.
  3. Scopus Author ID is primarily focused on tracking publications and citation metrics, while ORCID iD can also be used to track other research outputs, such as datasets, software, and patents.

How to find your Scopus author profile?

Scopus author profile is created automatically by Scopus based on the author's publications, affiliations, and other information. However, authors can claim their Scopus author profile and make corrections. Here are the steps to find your Scopus author profile:

  1. Go to the Scopus website via your University account (Scopus).
  2. Search for your name in the Scopus database by clicking on the "Authors" tab.
  3. If your name appears in the search results, click on it to view your publications and other information. If your name does not appear, you may need to refine your search by adding additional search criteria, such as your affiliation or research area.
  4. If you want to edit your profile, click on the "Edit profile" link. You will then be asked to confirm if this is your own profile.

Why check your Scopus author profile?

Scopus data is used in the University’s internal reports. If your details are inaccurate, unreliable data will be incorporated into the University’s reporting process.


Scopus data is also used in various University rankings, including the QS World University Rankings and THE World University Rankings. If your details are wrong, it may result in your publication record and citation metrics not being included in your actual institution's score.

Benefits of Scopus author profile

  • Increased visibility of your research
  • Accurate attribution of your publications
  • Citation tracking for your publications
  • Networking with other researchers
  • Demonstration of the impact of your research for career advancement and funding opportunities
  • Access to data and tools for research metrics and analytics