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Research Analytics: Researcher Profile Review

How to use publishing and citation data to evidence your strengths, develop your publishing strategy and make connections

Review Your Online Researcher Profile

Your online reseacher profile acts as your global CV but can be affected by data quality issues. These issues mean  

  • your work may be attributed to another author
  • your research output can be hard to find or is split across multiple profiles
  • your research metrics and citation data can be aversely impacted
  • research is not correctly attributed to The University.

We have reviewed the online researcher profiles of all academics within the University and identified data quality issues which could be negatively impacting profiles. Each academic will receive a personalised review of data quality issues in their profile and guidance on how to correct them. Please contact us if you have questions or book into one of our many training sessions. 

Book into a Training Session


Book a one to one profile review (20 mins)

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