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PressReader: My Publications, Download and Share

My Publications

All PressReader publications can be added to the space 'For You'.  This option is a tailor made space where publications and categories of interest can be brought together and accessed from one place.

  • Firstly, select the publication of interest and then select 'Add to My Publications', multiple publications can be selected.  Whenever you see the heart icon, it indicates the publication can be added to the 'For You' space.



           Remember: You must be signed into your account to save and revisit your selected publications.

  • Saved publications will appear at the top of PressReader's rolling homepage, under the heading 'My Publications'.
  • The space 'For You' is located in the top left corner.  All publications will appear under the heading 'Following'.  This space also offers key stories and category fields, which can help narrow the field of publications of interest and generate specific news relevant to your account.       



Download and Share

Articles can be downloaded and read on the go or shared across platforms.  When downloading publications to your phone, you will receive alerts when a new issue is published (for mobile interfacing see the app tab).

To download:

  1. Select publication, then select 'Read now'.  Read now 
  2. Within the top bar, go to the three dots and select 'Download to Device'.   Three dot s menu

To share:

  1. Follow the first step as for downloading.
  2. Select the three dot menu and then the 'Share' option.  Share