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PressReader: App

Getting started

  • Access PressReader in a web browser and create a personal account as described in the Home tab of this guide.
  • Download the app from the Google or Apple store.
  • Launch the app and log in with the personal account that you have just created.
  • Every time you use the app you will see a message similar to this: "25 days 14 hours left".  The app keeps you logged in for 30 days, after that you simply need to re-confirm your login details.
  • The features are similar to the website, so use other tabs in this guide for information.
  • Remember to use the three dot menu that is located in the toolbar, bottom right corner.
  • Be aware, the app is automatically set to download publications that you select to read, this can be turned off.  Before you select 'Read', un-select the 'Download' option above it.  Publications that are downloaded will receive reminders to the phone when a new issue is released.
  • Use the bottom toolbar to navigate and tailor your reading experience, both in article and text view.                                

App Toolbar

App toolbar in article view

App toolbar in page view

PressReader app

PressReader App


  • Within the app, you can follow publications as well as select the 'heart' icon. 
  • Tap the heading of an article to read it.
  • The articles can be translated into up to 18 languages and the text resized.  To translate you must open the article and select the three dots.  The resizing option appears automatically when you select an article.
  • Publication pages can be bookmarked, saved for later.  When in 'Read' mode, select the three dots at the bottom and the option to select pages will appear.  Tick the ones of interest, these will be saved to your 'Bookmark' section.  Or you can bookmark individual articles, when in each article.  The 'Bookmark' section can be found on the app homepage, bottom tool bar.
  • To find back issues, select the date under the publication image.
  • Publication supplements can be found by scrolling down the page, before selecting to read the publication. 

App tools

Access back issues through the calendar.

PressReader app calendar

Follow publications

Follow button on PressReader app

Listen to articles via the three dot menu.

How to listen on PressReader app

Bookmark multiple pages 

Bookmarking multiple pages on PressReader app

Locate supplements by scrolling down.

PressReader app supplements

Enlarge and reduce size of text

How to enlarge text in PressReader app

Translate articles via the three dot menu.

Translate in PressReader app