To find a recommended book, journal or article, use the Library Catalogue. To research a subject area use the specialist Library databases listed here. If you are interested in high impact journals, see our guide on how to locate these.
To see all Library Databases refer to the A-Z list.
The databases listed here are key resources for management and allied subjects: they provide the full-text for many thousands of journals. Some include other types of information such as books, market research reports and conference papers.
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Drop in training sessions are offered by Lexis every Tuesday: new users join at 3.30 pm UK time and existing users join at 4.00 pm UK time. Lexis offer students the chance to gain certification in using Lexis+. You can follow the pre-recorded training offered, successfully pass the short foundation level test and receive a completion certificate.
Includes: Forbes, Newsweek, The Insider, BusinessWorld, Bloomberg Businessweek and CEO Magazine.
In addition to PressReader, many business magazines can be found on the Library Catalogue: here are some popular titles.
These library databases index literature from across a range of subjects. You might find them useful if your research spans a number of disciplines.
In addition to the two resources above, you can use the Library's many literature databases to create search and journal alerts. For example, see our Scopus Guide for a video on how to create search alerts within that multidisciplinary database.
`High quality academic journals are found across a range of Library databases and journal subscriptions including Business Source Complete, Emerald, JSTOR, and Science Direct. It's recommended that you use the databases for searching across a wide cross section of journals. However, on occasion, you may want to limit your search to the highest ranked journals in your field. The following sources enable you to find out which journals fall into this category.