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woman-book-libraryshelvesFind tutorials to help you to improve your research skills and some useful resources to get you started.

Improve your information and research skills

In-depth tutorials

These courses will guide you through catalogue searching, using literature databases, introduce you to a range of specialised databases and cover the basics of academic writing and referencing.

Literature searching guide and video

Advanced information skills for researchers

Internet/web searching skills

Improve your skills: digital skills, software, business and professional skills

Helen and Tom's workshop and lecture materials

Help with accessing resources

Finding and submitting dissertations and theses

Keeping up to date on your subject

In addition to the two resources above, you can use the Library's many literature databases to create search and journal alerts. For example, see our Scopus Guide for a video on how to create search alerts within that multidisciplinary database. 

Access other libraries

Past exam papers

FutureLearn Campus