When you retrieve search results in a database, we highly recommended that you:
How to select and save results in Web of Science:
3. If you select email, RIS, Excel, HTML or plain text, a dialog box will appear. This will give you the option to include abstracts in your exported records, along with the article/document title, author and source/journal title. You can export up to 1000 records at a time. If you select email, you are also required to enter the email address to which you would like the records sent, and you have the option to add a few explanatory notes to your message.
4. If you select EndNote Online, refer to the instructions for collecting references (click the 'Web of Science' tab) in the EndNote Online guide. You can export up to 500 records at a time.
5. If you select EndNote Desktop, refer to the instructions for collecting references (click the 'Web of Science' tab) in the EndNote Desktop guide. You can export up to 1000 records at a time.
6. If you select Fast 5000, you can export up to 5000 records at a time (as a text file). After you click 'Fast 5000', sign-in to Web of Science. The sign-in screen includes an option to register with Web of Science if you haven't already done so. If you've registered for EndNote Online. You can use the same username/password. You don't need to register if you only want to search Web of Science and save no more than 1000 results.
7. Export limits: If you want to export a number of results that exceeds the above limits, you could break up a single search into multiple searches, each limited by a different shorter date range. The date range option appears below the search boxes.