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EndNote Online: Collect / Create References

New to EndNote Online? Please read this introductory page and then click on each heading in the following row of tabs:

Collecting references from databases

  • This section explains how to select and export references from the Library Catalogue, Google Scholar and various library databases into EndNote Online. You need to export references before you can import them into your Word document. For instructions, open the relevant tab(s) above.
  • To edit a reference, open the Edit Citations and References tab in the Cite While You Write section of this guide.
  • To remove duplicate references, please follow these video instructions.
  • To manually create a reference yourself, refer to the section below.

Collecting references from the Library catalogue

1. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science).
2. Enter the Library Catalogue. Click sign in (in the top right-hand corner). Enter your University username and password.
3. Search for references to books, articles or other items.

Sending individual references to EndNote Online:

4. Open the record on an item and select EndNote Basic and the citation will be sent to your EndNote Online account.

Sending a group of references to EndNote Online:

5. Click the pin button within each search result that you wish to save. 

6. Next to where you signed in, select the Pin button to view your selected references.

7. Reselect (by ticking boxes) those results that you want to send to EndNote Online.

8. Select the 3 dots then EndNote Basic to send the results directly to EndNote Online. Alternatively: we're currently experiencing problems with the 'EndNote Basic' option so you may need to click Export RIS instead. With either method, be even more careful than usual when checking the resulting references in your work (e.g. an article may be identified by EndNote as a book 'reference type' which will alter the details presented). Any amendments required should be made within the EndNote record rather than directly in your Word document (otherwise, any revisions you make revert back to the incorrect version later on). You can change an EndNote record's reference type by clicking on the record's title, clicking in the 'reference type' field, selecting the correct format and clicking 'save'.

Collecting references from Google Scholar


1. Connect to Google Scholar (GS). If you are off-campus, it's best to connect via the Library Catalogue - this will enable you to increase the number of full-text papers that you are able to access via GS.

2. To send results to EndNote Online, set up a My Library account. The 'My Library' options are in the top left corner of Google Scholar and move to top right when you're logged in.

3. Sign in to My Library and search Google Scholar.

4. To save a result in your GS library, click the star icon underneath any search result of interest

5. Click the citation icon just below your search results.

6. Click the RefMan option which will download the citation.

7. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science).

8. Click the Collect tab and then Import References.

9. Click Choose file to find the saved text file on your laptop/PC. Select the file and click Open. Select Import Option as RefMan RIS

10. If this import option does not appear: click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, select 'RefMan RIS' from ‘favorites’.

11. Choose group name destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click the Import button.


Collecting references from APA PsycNET

  1. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.
  2. Click the arrow icon (Export) located above the search results. This opens up a menu of options: from these, select 'Reference Manager'.
  3. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science) and go to Collect > Import References (see top menus).
  4. For the File: browse for the .ris file of APA PsycNET references. This may be in your device's downloads folder.
  5. For the Import option: select ‘RefMan RIS’ from the list.
  6. If this import option doesn’t appear: click ‘Select Favorites’, select ‘RefMan RIS’ from the longer list and click ‘copy to favourites’. Finally, click 'RefMan RIS' in 'favorites'.
  7.  Select the option.To: select a location for your references (if you're unsure of which location to select, you could send it to the “unfiled” folder). Click Import.​

Collecting references from Compendex

1.Connect to Compendex and search for references to articles/other documents.

2. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.

3. Click on the Download this record icon (highlighted below).

4. In the Download Selected Records screen, select Format EndNote (RIS, Ref Manager)

5. Click Download record(s)

6. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science).

7. Click the Collect tab and then Import References.

8. Click Choose file to find the saved text file on your laptop/PC. Select the file and click Open.  Select Import Option as RefMan RIS

9. If this import option does not appear: click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, select 'RefMan RIS' in 'favorites’.

10. Choose group name destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click the Import button.


Collecting references from Embase

  1. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.. Click Export.
  2. Select RIS format for the Export format. Click Export and then click Download.
  3. In the File Download dialog box, click Save. Save as an RIS Formatted file.
  4. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References. Use Browse to locate the saved text file.
  5. Select Import Option as RefMan RIS filter. If this import option does not appear, click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'RefMan RIS' in 'favorites'.
  6. Select destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click the Import button.

Collecting references from PubMed

1. Connect to PubMed and search for references to articles/other documents.

2. Search for records. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.

3. Click the Save button above your results.

4. A set of Save citations to file options will appear.

5. Using the drop-down Selection options, you can save the individual results that you have already ticked/marked.  Alternatively, save an entire set of search results or just the references on the current page of search results. To change the number of results displayed on a single page, click the 'display options' button and select a number from the 'Per page' options. 

6. For the format, select PubMed. Click Create file.

7. A "file download" dialog box for saving documents may appear along the bottom of the screen. If so, select the "save as" option. Alternatively, the file may appear in your device's downloads folder. Save your results to a location of your choice (e.g. 'h drive', memory stick...).

8. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science).

9. Click the Collect tab and then click Import References (which appears in a second row of tabs just below).

10. Click Choose file to find the saved text file on your laptop/PC. Select the file and click Open.  Select Import Option as PubMed (NLM).

11. If this import option does not appear: click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'PubMed (NLM)' in 'favorites'.

12. Select PubMed (NLM) from ‘favorites’. Choose group destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click the Import button.

Collecting references from Scopus

1. Connect to Scopus and search for references to articles/other documents.

2. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export and Click Export. Alternatively, select all your references by clicking the 'all' box just above your search results and then click Export.

3. A dialog box appears.  Choose how much information you want to export in each reference (for example, you can include abstracts). Click Export.

4. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science).

5. Click the Collect tab and then Import References

6. Click Choose file to find the saved text file on your laptop/PC. Select the file and click Open.  Select Import Option as Scopus.

7. If this import option does not appear; click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, select 'Scopus' in ‘favorites’.

8. Choose group destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click the Import button.

Note: It's not possible to export more than 2000 references at the same time. To export them in multiple smaller batches, re-run your search more than once, each time limiting the search to a different date range and exporting the results associated with each set of dates. The date range options appear below the search boxes on the main search page. Alternatively, run your search first, refine your results by using the date filter in the left-hand column, and click 'limit to'.

Collecting references from Web of Science

1. Sign into EndNote Online (using either the link in Web of Science: all databases or Web of Science Core Collection).

2. Search Web of Science for references to articles/other documents.

3. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export Then click Export and choose Endnote Online.
Alternatively, click 'Select page' to select all search results on that page and click Export (you can alter the number of results displayed on each page by changing the 'show' option just below the results).

export to endnote online

In the new version of Web of Science, you can select an entre set of results by clicking the box just to the left of the 'Add to Marked list; button.

4. Choose which information you wish to export (refer to the 'record content' options). Click export and your references will automatically transfer into your EndNote Online Library.

Export records to endnote online

5-6: Marked Lists: 

5. If you are saving references from across multiple pages of search results, use the Marked List option as follows: After selecting references on each page of results, click the Add to marked list button .

add to marked list

Then click the Marked List link near the top of the screen. From the Marked List screen, click the EndNote Online option to transfer your references. You can either export your marked items or you can choose a number of records from the results page to transfer.

Marked list export

EBSCO Databases: 

British Education Index, Business Source Complete, Child Development and Adolescent Studies

CINAHL, Econlit, Education Source, ERIC, Global Health, GreenFile, SPORTDiscus
  1. Connect to the database and search for references to articles/other documents.
  2. Select the search result(s) that you want to export by clicking the Plus icon to the right of each result.
  3. Click the Folder icon on the panel at the top right of the screen. Click the Export button. 
  4. Export option: set this as 'direct export to EndNote Online (or EndNote Web)'.
  5. Click Save. EndNote Online opens in your browser. Log in to complete the transfer. This method enables you to export up to 2000 references in one go - if this isn't a sufficient number, please note the following advice:

Alternatively, you can download an entire set of up to 25,000 references in one go as follows:

i. Perform your search and then click the share button (located above your search results). A dialog box opens up. Click emailComplete the email form, select RIS format and click Send.. Open your email (you may find this in your junk folder).
iii. Save the file in your email to your desktop. Unzip the file (e.g. move it from 'downloads' to another folder, right-click and select 'extract all').
iv. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import references. Select import option as 'Bus Source Comp (Ebsco)'.
v If this option doesn't appear, click 'select favourites', scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'copy to favorites'.
vi. Choose your destination e.g. To: [unfiled]. Click Import.

A-Z of Further Databases:

ACM Digital Library
  1. Connect to ACM Digital Library and search for references to articles/other documents.
  2. Select your references and select the 'display format', Endnote.
  3. Save them as a text file to a location of your choice (e.g. a drive on our device, memory stick...).
  4. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  5. Use Browse to locate the saved text file. Select Import Option as 'EndNote Import'.
  6. If this import option does not appear, click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'EndNote Import' in favorites'.
  7. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.
BIOSIS Citation Index
  1. It is best to connect to Endnote Online before searching for any articles in BIOSIS: to do this, click on the Endnote link located at the top of BIOSIS Citation Index.
  2. Search BIOSIS for references to articles/other documents.
  3. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.
  4. Click Export / EndNote Online option just above the results to transfer your references.
  5. Alternatively: if you are saving results from multiple searches/pages in one session: select your results and add them to a Marked List. Then open your Marked List (the link is near the top of the screen). From the Marked List screen, click the option to transfer your references.
Cochrane Library
  1. Connect to Cochrane Library and search for references to documents.
  2. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export. Click Export Selected.
  3. A dialog box will appear. Select PC from the 'export type' menu. Also select 'citation and abstract' from the 'file type' menu.
  4. Click Export Citation. A "file download" dialog box for saving documents should appear (possibly along the bottom of the screen) - of so, select the 'save as' option (via the small arrow) rather than just 'save'. Alternatively, check the downloads folder on your device.
  5. Save the results to a location of your choice (e.g. to a drive on your device, memory stick...).
  6. Open EndNote Online using the link in Web of Science. Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  7. Use Browse to locate the saved text file. Select Import Option as Cochrane Library (Wiley).
  8. If this import option does not appear: click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'copy to favorites'. Finally, click 'Cochrane Library (Wiley)' in 'favorites'.
  9. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.
  1. It's best to connect to EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science) before searching Emerald.  
  2. Connect to Emerald and search for references to articles/other documents.
  3. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.
  4. Click the Download RIS option just above your search results. Your reference should be exported into your EndNote Online library.

  1. Connect to IBSS and search for references to articles/other documents.
  2. Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export. 
  3. Click the save/export drop-down menu. Choose Endnote. Click Continue.
  4. A File download dialog box for saving documents should appear (possibly along the bottom of the screen).
  5. Select the Save as option (via the small arrow rather than just clicking 'save'). Alternatively, you may find the file in the downloads folder on your device. Save as an RIS file to a location of your choice (e.g. to a drive on your device, memory stick...).
  6. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  7. Use Browse to locate the saved text file.. Select Import Option as 'Proquest'.
  8. If this import option does not appear, click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'ProQuest' in 'favorites'.
  9. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.
  1. Search for records.Select/click the box next to each search result that you want to export.. Click the Export Citation button.
  2. Select a Format options: choose RIS file (EndNote...). Save the file (e.g. to a drive on your device, memory stick...).
  3. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  4. Use Browse to locate the saved text file. Select Import Option as 'RefMan RIS'.
  5. If this import option does not appear, click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'RefMan RIS' in 'favorites'.
  6. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.


  1. Connect to MathSciNet and search for references to articles/other documents.
  2. Select Citations (EndNote) to save your references as a text file.
  3. Sign into EndNote Online (using the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  4. Use Browse to locate the saved text file. Select Import Option as EndNote Import.
  5. If this import option does not appear, click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'EndNote Import' in favorites'.
  6. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.
Social Policy and Practice
  1. Connect to Social Policy and Practice, and search for references to articles/other documents.
  2. Click/select the box next to each search result that you want to export.. Click 'export'.
  3. A dialog box appears. Select Export To as 'Procite'. Then select 'citation and abstract'. Click 'export citations'.
  4. A "file download" dialog box for saving documents should appear (possibly along the bottom of the screen).
  5. Select the "save as" option (via the small arrow rather than just clicking 'save')and save your results to a location of your choice (e.g. to a drive' on your device memory stick...). Alternatively, check the downloads folder on your device.
  6. Sign into EndNote Online (using the the link in Web of Science). Click the Collect tab and then Import References.
  7. Use Browse to locate the saved text file. Select Import Option as 'Social Policy and Practice (OvidSP)'.
  8. If this import option does not appear: click 'Select Favorites'. Scroll to the correct option, select it and click 'Copy to Favorites'. Finally, click 'Social Policy and Practice (OvidSP)' in 'favorites'.
  9. Choose destination e.g. To: “Test” library. Click Import.

Manually creating references

Some resources don't provide options for exporting references (e.g. public websites).  Therefore, you may need to manually create some references as follows:

1. Connect to EndNote Online (via Web of Science).

2. Click on the Collect tab followed by New Reference.

3. Select the relevant Reference Type from the drop-down menu. To reference a book chapter in an edited book, select 'book section'.

4. Enter all of the information required for your reference in each of the necessary fields/boxes. Be particularly careful that you're both accurate and consistent in entering the names of authors as shown below. Otherwise, EndNote Online will not able to interpret them correctly when adapting them to the required referencing style (e.g. Harvard (Bath) or APA) and they will appear incorrectly in your reference list.

5. After entering all the information, click save. If necessary, return to the same reference to add/amend details another time.