'Web of Science: All Databases' provides details of articles and other documents from more than 34,000 academic journals (mostly peer-reviewed), as well as conference proceedings, patents and other types of document. Many subject areas are covered including architecture, chemistry, economics, education, engineering, health, life sciences, management, mathematics, medicine, physics, physiotherapy, social sciences and sports science. Web of Science is stronger in some areas than others so do check for further recommended databases on the Library's webpages for your subject.
Searches articles from thousands of core journals in science, the social sciences and arts and humanities published from 1970. It also includes books and conference proceedings.
Covers all areas of biology and life science research in thousands of journals since 1926. Includes specialised indexes e.g. gene, disease and organism names.
A taxanomic resource which indexes thousands of animal-related biology journals from 1864 to date.
Extensive index for physics, engineering and computing literature covering journals, conference proceedings, reports and dissertations from 1898 onwards. Web of Science hosts this database which is provided by IET.
Provides access to many leading data repositories across disciplines from the 1900's. Dataset records include authors, institutions and citations, and they are also connected to related records of peer-reviewed literature.
Derwent Innovation Index provides full-text access to millions of chemical and engineering-related patent documents from 1963 to date: Guide to finding patent information (using Derwent).
Provides the tables of contents from leading scholarly journals from 1998 onwards.
Provides articles from multidisciplinary journals published from 1980 onwards. Managed by the National Research Foundation of Korea, with records in Korean and English.
Core Russian science, technology, medical and education journals published from 2005 onwards, selected by the largest information provider in Russia: the Scientific Electronic Library. Search in English or Russian using indexed cited references.
Leading Open Access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South Africa spanning science, social science, arts and humanities published from 2002 onwards. Search in Spanish, Portuguese or English.