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LinkedIn Learning: Teaching with LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning is a useful educational tool to add to your unit. From soft skills to software, there's a huge variety of courses and individual videos to choose from. This guide explains how to integrate digital resources into your classes, how to share links with students, add content to your Library List and create Learning Paths. In addition, once you've registered for your account for LinkedIn Learning, you can watch the following video on how to use it in your teaching. Also refer to the top level guide headings labelled Courses by Subject and Skills for Staff

Sharing LinkedIn Learning with students

The easiest way to share LinkedIn Learning with students is to share the link:

This links to the landing page with all the information that they need to register as first time users and is the link for ongoing access. LinkedIn Learning can also be found on the Library Catalogue.

However, students are more likely to engage with LinkedIn Learning if you link to recommended courses either within your Moodle unit or your Library List or by sharing this guide with them, particularly the Student Success and Career Skills section. For more information, see the sections on sharing content and adding LinkedIn Learning content to your Library List.

Sharing content with students

With a course or video open on the platform, use the share function to find the link. This is a right-pointing arrow that you'll find in the top right of the screen as shown below. It only appears when you are viewing a full course. 

LinkedIn Learning link to course


The link provided will be for the specific section that you are viewing, so if you are recommending a specific video in a course, make sure that it's open at the video when you use the share function.

How to create learning paths to guide students' learning: curator role

Library staff can set you up with curator status if you would like to create bespoke learning paths for students and monitor the progress of students taking the courses you've recommended. Get in touch with us on to request curator status. Find out more about the Curator role in this six minute video from LinkedIn Learning: 

Adding content to your Library List (reading list)

Most of the videos and courses appear in the Library Catalogue, so you can add them to your Library List in the usual way. If you find LinkedIn Learning content that's not in the Library Catalogue, you can add these items manually. To add a link to a course in your reading list, you will need to use the manual add function within your Library List. You will find this option under addnew item > manual entry.

You will need to:

1. Change the resource type to video

2. Add in the title and click on next.

3. Add the link to the URL field  (It is best to use the share function within LinkedIn Learning to get the URL as explained in the Sharing Content section of this guide).

Extra optional fields:

4. Add the video length to the duration field.

5. Add LinkedIn Learning in the publisher field.

To finish: 

6. Click on next, add to the required section of your Library List and then click add.

7. Add the essential/recommended/background tags as usual. Your item will then appear as below:

Library List example

Creating groups

If you'd like to create groups of students in order to send them courses and monitor progress, then you can request sub admin access with the option to view reports. Once you've created the group you want (e.g. all students on one of your units), the Library team will limit your reporting to that group. Get in touch with us via if you'd like to request this. The video below shows how to create groups. 

Content maps and UK instructors

The team at LiL can attempt to find content to match your specific needs. To make a content mapping request, contact the Library on See the generic content map for the current year below, along with a list of UK instructors that you can find on LiL.