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Library Lists: Overview

What is Library Lists?

Library Lists is the name of the Library's central reading list management system.  It helps staff and students find and manage lists of required course readings both in print and online.  It is integrated within Moodle and linked to the library catalogue, giving instant information on availability of reading material.  The system also supports library staff in managing purchase requests for new material.

Library Lists are live, not static, and can be amended at any time throughout the academic year.  Short term reading can be added, or removed, as the owner sees fit.  

Why use Library Lists?

Using Library Lists to manage your readings can have the following advantages:

  • Students can easily gain an overview of required reading for their unit in one place.
  • The system links to online books, journal articles and other resources.
  • It has a real-time link to the library catalogue for availability of print books.
  • The reading list can be linked into Moodle.
  • It helps to manage scanned book chapters and articles obtained under the CLA licence.

How do I use Library Lists?

  • Students can access their reading lists through each unit on Moodle, just select the Library Lists tab.
  • Teaching staff should follow the Staff - how to guide to learn more about accessing, creating, editing and updating reading lists.

Example Library Lists