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Reading for pleasure and wellbeing: Wellbeing

Read Well and Wellbeing

Themes include living well, physical health, menopause, sleep, mindfulness, emotions, anxiety, depression, trauma, body image, perfectionism and caring. For insights and advice on neurodivergent conditions, you might like to view our Neurodiversity Collection.

Book cover the Reason I Jump by Higashida and Mitchell Book cover Bibliotherapy by Mcnol and Brewster Book cover The Happiness Trap by Harris Book Cover Reasons to Stay Alive by Haig

Managing exam stress

Advice on managing anxiety and study skills to help you with your exams.

 Book cover Anxiety at University by Thompson  Book cover Resourcefulness at University Thompson Book cover The Stress Free Guide to Studying at University

Books on the Brain

Fascinating titles about the mind and behaviour.

  Why has nobody told me this before cover Book cover for Eat that Frog cover for the practice of groundedness

Loss and Grief

Reflections and perspectives on experiences of loss and grief. Includes recommendations from the university's Loss and Grief network. 

Childless Not by Choice

Books recommended by the University's No Kidding Support Group.