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Reading for pleasure and wellbeing: Non-Fiction

Bath Big Reads

Explore the big ideas that shape our world. Popular and introductory reads in humanities, social sciences, management, maths, science, engineering and design.

    Book cover the happiness hypothesis by Haidt    

Art and Design

A taster of our art and design collection (find more on Level 3 of the Library). You may also be interested in our Race and Architecture collection.


Sports Reads

For when you want a shot of sports without having to put on your trainers.

Book: Sport and society in ancient Greece  Book: More than medals : a history of the Paralympics and disability sports in postwar Japan / [electronic resource] Book: Futbolera : a history of women and sports in Latin America  Book: Ippon! : the fight for judo's soul

Further non-fiction

You'll find further non-fiction titles (alongside fiction) across the following collections:


Inspiration for a more sustainable way of living. Popular books about sustainability and climate change.


City Guides & Maps

You can also access Ordnance Survey Maps. These are available, in print, within the Level 3 Reference Collection (outside the Information Point).

Cover for Bath city guide by Forsyth  Cover for Secret Dover by Howe  Cover for Architectural Guide Venice  Cover for Brutalist Boston Map 

Bath University Mountaineering Club

Apple on pile of books