You can bring in map data from other sources (e.g. and add them into the Roam application via the Overlays options in the left-hand menu:
- Manually add a feed
- Search for a feed, select and add it (keyword search for approved feeds by theme e.g. marine)
- You can de/select layers from the Overlays options and change the transparency of the overlay
You can also add map data from one collection in Digimap to another:
- From the Digimap homepage, select the collection (e.g. Geology), click the Web Services button, then select and copy the link for the data you want e.g. open or licenced data
- Go back to the Digimap homepage and open collection you want to add it to (e.g. Ordnance Survey) and click Roam
- Click on the Overlays option in the left-hand menu
- Select the WMS tab, then click the Manually add WMS feed button
- Paste the data link into the 3rd party WMS URL box at the top
- Click Get layers then click Add layers to map