When you retrieve search results in a database, we highly recommended that you:
- Identify and select any individual results that are of potential value to your review.
- Save back-up copies of those selected results in various locations (e.g. email, cloud, USB stick, hard drive). Even experienced researchers lose information!
- To avoid plagiarism, you need good records of all sources of information.
How to select and save results in IBSS:
- Click/select the box next to any individual result(s) of interest.
- Click the three horizontal dots icon above just your search results. This takes you to a screen listing all the various methods you can use to save your results. Use multiple methods. For example, click the envelope icon to email your selected results. You will then be asked to enter your email address and you can also opt to email details of your search or add notes within the same email.
You can also click PDF and Excel icons if you wish to create a files of your selected results in those formats. A pop-up box appears featuring a few options to select - once selected, click the 'continue' button.