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Library Training Events: FAQs

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Frequently asked questions

How do I find out information about a course?

Please click on the title of the course you are interested in and you will find more information there.

I have signed up to a course, what now?

You will be contacted by the course provider and be sent an invitation to the course if there's a space for you.

I am a doctoral student, where do I register for a course?

Doctoral students can register for courses through MyDoctoralDevelopment. If you are interested in a course running in the summer, please sign up through us.

I am interested in a course but I cannot make the advertised date

Please email with the title of the course and the course provider might be able to offer an alternative appointment.

I would like to watch the recording of a session

We are able to record most of our sessions where appropriate. Please find recordings of previous sessions on our Moodle course.

My question is not listed here

Please email with your query and let us know if it is related to a particular course.