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Research Data Service Training, Advice and Contacts: Training Sessions

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The following courses are only available to University of Bath staff and students. In some cases, both staff and students can self-enroll by using the course links below. Alternatively, Doctoral students can book course places through the Doctoral College and staff can book on the course through Academic Staff Development. A full list of training sessions offered by the Library for researchers is available here.

Introduction to research data management

This collection of online resources will introduce a set of strategies and practices that will help you gather your data in the most helpful form, keep them secure and well organised, and archive and publish them so they can support your work and increase your potential impact. It will also make you aware of the main requirements on you regarding your research data, and help you to satisfy them.

After using these resources you will be able to

  • know who to contact to help with the management of your research data
  • be aware of your obligations when managing your research
  • know what a data management plan is, and locate resources to help you to write your project data management plans
  • be able to choose the data storage most suitable for your projects
  • be able to think about how you can organise your data files and folders
  • be able to choose a data archive to preserve and share your data at the end of your projects

This is suitable for all researchers.

You can access the Introduction to Research Data Management course via Moodle (requires University of Bath login). 


**If you would like to attend an online-live version of this session, please visit here to book.**

Managing human participant research data

This self-paced online course  will help you meet the particular challenges of working with data from human participants: obtaining informed consent, keeping data confidential, meeting legal, ethical and contractual requirements, and setting up restricted data sharing both during and after your project.

After the course you will be able to:

  • understand the legal and ethical frameworks for human participant data
  • cover the relevant data issues when wording your consent forms
  • keep data secure from unauthorised access
  • how to manage your human participant data when working in the field
  • share human participant data securely with other researchers during and after the project
  • ask the right people for help with issues regarding the management of research data from human participants

This is suitable for all researchers.

You can access the Managing Human Participant Research Data course via Moodle (requires University of Bath login).

Working with data

This collection of course materials will introduce you to different ways of working with data, featuring course material on "The 4 P's of research data management", "Writing your data management plan", "Managing human participant data" and "Archiving, publishing & sharing your data". This Moodle course is designed to complement courses offered by Advanced Research Computing (Research Software Skills), MASH (Quantitative Statistics for Doctoral Students) and the Centre for Qualitative Research to give you the skills you need to manage your research data during and after your doctoral research. These courses are complemented by online guidance produced by the Library Research Data Service which is signposted within each course. There is also a list of external courses relevant to working with data that you can access (free and paid-for options). Information is available on the DoctoralSkills: Extra course under 'Digital skills' and 'Research methods and analysis'. 

After the course you will be able to:

  • understand what research data are and what management of research data involves 
  • identify what policies apply to your research data 
  • understand the legal and ethical frameworks for collecting and sharing human participant data
  • write data management plans to support grant applications
  • decide where and how to archive, protect and share your data securely
  • consider ways of increasing the potential impact of data sharing  
  • understand what resources and help are available to you through the library for research data management

This is suitable for all researchers.

You can access the Working with data course via Moodle (requires University of Bath login).

Writing a data management plan

During this Moodle course you will start to draft your doctoral Data Management Plan using the University of Bath Doctoral Data Management Plan template.

After this course you will be able to:

  • understand why planning data management in advance is important and useful
  • consider the issues you might face with your data, and take suitable precautions
  • complete a data management plan for your current project
  • write data management plans to support grant applications
  • ask the right people for help with your data management plan

This is suitable for all researchers and includes optional sections on managing human participant and commercially sensitive data.

You can access the Writing a University of Bath Data Management Plan course via Moodle (requires University of Bath login).

Research Data Management Adventure

The Library, in collaboration with the University of Stellenbosch, has launched a new online game to help you learn how to better manage your research data.

The Research Data Management Adventure is a self-paced text adventure, also known as interactive fiction, in which you take the role of a staff researcher in a University department, working on a project from its very beginnings to its closing stages. Through the game you make choices to guide your project in a certain direction and discover the outcome of your decisions on the success of your project.

To find out more about the game, please visit the link below.

Sharing Research Data

Having a data sharing mindset creates a firm foundation for your research project. Structuring, securing and storing your research data appropriately from the start creates opportunity for collaboration and deepens the impact of your research, internally to your research team and externally with the wider research community. 

During this "Sharing research data" workshop, participants will be guided through aspects of data management planning, how to differentiate storage practices based on the sensitivity of the data and what you need to have secured in order to comply with funder mandates and steps you need to take in order to make your research data as open as possible or as closed as necessary. 

The core themes of this workshop will be  

(i) good research data management throughout the research lifecycle,
(ii) ethical considerations of storage and sharing 
(iii) how to share your research data and make it "open" to ensure funder compliance. 

This workshop is aimed at new career researchers undertaking new research projects and those looking for a refresher of open data and open research practices. 

Please visit here to sign-up.

Bespoke Courses

If you are a member of staff and you would like to request a departmental seminar on any aspect of research data management to be delivered to your department or research group, please contact us via our enquiry form (requires University of Bath login).