DMPOnline is a Web application for writing Data Management Plans. Follow the steps below to create, complete, share, and export your Data Management Plan.
Only use DMPOnline for the following funders: AHRC, BBSRC, Cancer Research UK (Population Research Committee template), CRUK (standard template for all other fundings streams), Datamanagement ZonMw, EPSRC, European Research Council, ESRC, Hartstichting, Horizon 2020, MRC, NERC, Natural Science Foundation, STFC, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships, Wellcome Trust.
Please remember that most of these funders require the Data Management Plan to be submitted using Arial 11pt font and with a minimum of 2cm borders. You can set these settings in the 'Download' tab of your Data Management Plan.
If you are a doctoral student or are a member of staff not funded by any of the above funders, please use the University of Bath templates instead.
If you have not used DMPOnline before you will have to register for an account:
Or you can sign up using your University of Bath credentials:
Remember to save your work as you go using the 'Save' buttons. If you need guidance on completing any sections of the form contact us ( and we will be happy to help.