When searching for an author you are normally aiming to find everything that they have written. It may sound easy but you can encounter many problems when searching for author names. For example:
This page will give you some hints and tips for how to overcome these problems.
Many authors will keep a full list of their publications on a personal or institutional website. Google may actually be the best way to find this. But if you have an author with a common name, you need to choose the right one. Here are some tips:
Different databases use different methods for finding author names so we would advise you to read the database help. But in general:
Some databases have introduced 'author identifier' systems to help you to find publications by a particular author even when they have a common name. For example Web of Science Core Collection uses a system called 'ResearcherID'. But database-specific identifiers are of limited use so an international system is being developed, called ORCID. Library databases may allow you to search for an author identifier:
If you are a researcher and would like to set up an ORCID, please go to: https://orcid.org/