To find a recommended book, journal or article, search the library catalogue or consult a unit's Library List through Moodle. To research a subject area use the specialist library databases listed below.
Reference works, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, can be a good place to start.
When you find a reference of interest, click on to find out whether the Library provides access to the full document, either online or within the Library's print collection. For help with search skills and evaluating what you find choose Learning at Bath.
The following resources are useful for in-depth searching.
Financial Times via PQ One Business
Access to the Financial Times (without registration) from 1996 onwards with a 30 day embargo.
For additional financial, company and business news sources, please consult the Management News guide.
There are different types of research requiring different methodologies and considerations. Sage Research Methods and the CARMA video library are good starting points. To find additional literature try the library catalogue and databases such as Web of Science and Scopus.
Please note: registration required.