Find your recommended reading for each unit in the Library Lists system. A unit reading list will give you easy access to e-books, and location and availability information for print books.
Setting the standard for excellence, accuracy, and innovation, 'Biology' delivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students to a true understanding of biology.
Thoroughly revised for the 4th edition, the authors explain biochemical concepts and offer a unified presentation of life and its variation through evolution.
'Biochemistry' reflects the revolution that has taken place in biomedical science, culminating in the human genome project. A key focus of this edition is the features of protein structure and function that have been revealed by gene sequencing.
Access a range of introductory books about medicine, health, science and maths published by Oxford University Press. Simply type "very short introduction" into the catalogue and from the next screen select "books" from the drop down menu in the search box.
Many e-textbooks bought by the Library are now available on the BibliU platform. You may need to use Chrome as there can be issues with other browsers.
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
General and subject encyclopedias
You will find a selection of encyclopedias by searching in the library catalogue. Simply type the word "encyclopedia" and add the topic you are interested in e.g. immunology, plant, evolutionary biology.
Interactive animated "3-D" models and videos covering anatomy and physiology. You need to REGISTER for access by clicking the above the link and then click 'sign up'.
Over 2,600 commissioned seminar style talks by world leading experts covering the fundamentals in life sciences to therapeutic interventions. All copyright cleared.
Record and access broadcasts from more than 75 TV and radio channels. Includes an option to create clips. Users can embed content in presentations and Moodle (using BoB links/codes). Note that BOB only permits access from within the UK.
The Library provides you with access to Semester 1 and Semester 2 exam papers from the last 5 years, to help with revision. If you can't find the paper you are looking for it may be because:
• The unit code has changed
• It has been restricted by your Department
Please be aware that older papers might not be relevant to current course content.
Collection of reference works published by Oxford University Press covering the Arts, English Language Reference, Modern Languages, Politics and Social Sciences, and Science.
Library training sessions provided through the Doctoral Skills programme. These cover a range of topics from literature searching to research data management.
Advice on doing a systematic review: how to formulate a question, write a protocol, search literature, manage references, select studies, assess evidence and write-up.
The University subscribes to the tool, Covidence, which you can use to screen references, review the full text of documents, assess risks of bias, extract both study characteristics and outcomes, and export references and data. To find out how to access and use Covidence, refer to the above guide.
Description: Interactive tutorials with activities and tests covering: academic study skills, reading and note-making, critical thinking skills and referencing and understanding plagiarism.
O'Reilly Learning is a collection of technical books from a number of publishers including Pearson and O'Reilly Media. The titles include many computing topics and programming and software guides. It also has a range of business and management titles. In addition to books, O'Reilly includes a large range of online training courses, on-demand learning materials and video resources.
A guide to research software online courses from O'Reilly Learning. Courses cover Excel, Git and GitHub, LaTEX, MATLAB, Python, R and RS Studio, SAS, SPSS, Stata and SQL.
A guide to research software online courses from O'Reilly Learning. Courses cover Excel, Git and GitHub, LaTEX, MATLAB, Python, R and RS Studio, SAS, SPSS, Stata and SQL.
An online skills platform offering an extensive library of over 21,000 high-quality video courses in business, technical, creative and personal development skills. Free access to all current staff/students is provided by the University of Bath Library. Trial access until 30 Nov 2025.