I am the Education and Psychology Librarian, with responsibility for library services and collections to support students and staff in the two departments. I provide timetabled group teaching at the request of a tutor and can give one-to-one support by appointment.
I am ably supported by my colleagues in the Library's Level 5 Information Point, who answer enquiries in person and online. Please use the library@bath.ac.uk email to ask us your questions or to book an appointment. My colleagues will usually be able to help you, but may refer you to me for specialised support.
Education’s Library Representative is Mr Michael Fertig.
Psychology’s Library Representative is Dr Neal Hinvest
My contact details:
The Library, room 5.02, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY
On campus days: Mon, Wed & Fri
Homeworking days: Tue & Thu
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 384180 (Mon - Fri)
Email: library@bath.ac.uk